Training and Technical Assistance Program (Clearnet and Darknet Spaces)

Description of Project

John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) are partnering to provide training and technical assistance (TTA) to criminal justice agents that covers the clearnet and darknet spaces within which criminals operate, the crimes they commit, their tactics and tools, and the ways these criminals can be identified, investigated, prosecuted, and adjudicated for their crimes.

For past and present events relating to this project, please go to our Events Page.

The Center for Cybercrime Studies partners with the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) to make self-paced training courses and webinars available to U.S. state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and judges. Please view the list below for links to all available self-paced training courses and webinars.

Clearnet Investigations of Cyber-Enabled Fraud:

Communications Platforms Used in Cybercrime:

Cyber Organized Crime:

Cryptocurrency Investigations for Criminal Justice Agents:

Cyber-Enabled Firearm Trafficking:

Cyber-Enabled Human Trafficking:

Darknet Markets, Forums, and Investigations:

Malware As A Service:

Virtual Kidnapping: Unraveling the Tactics of this Scam

Project Team

Director and Principal Investigator: Dr. Marie-Helen Maras

co-Principal Investigator: Professor Adam Scott Wandt

Instructional Designer: Chandra Shehigian

Project Assistants: Christopher Dolan; Julia Gray

Funding for this project has been provided by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (15PBJA-21-GK-02798-ECON).