Cyber-enabled Firearm Trafficking Webinar

This webinar is only open to U.S. state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and judges.

Webinar Description:

Clearnet and darknet spaces are used to advertise, procure, sell, and transfer firearms and firearms-related knowledge and technology. This webinar introduces participants to cyber- enabled firearms trafficking, particularly the types of firearms trafficked online, the clearnet and darknet spaces where this form of trafficking occurs, and the firearm knowledge and technology transferred within these spaces. Special attention will be paid to auto sears/switches and ghost gun blueprints and kits.

At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the legal foundations of firearm regulation
  • Identify the scope of illicit firearm activity on the clearnet and darknet
  • Recommend approaches to identify patterns of illegal behavior in firearms production and transfer,

    including on clearnet and darknet platforms

  • Formulate firearm regulations to reduce elicit development and transfer of prohibited firearms