
There are no quick technical or regulatory solutions for controlling cyber-dependent crime and cyber-enabled crime or protecting individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, critical infrastructure, or governments from harm in cyberspace.  Regulatory measures, such as legislation, court action, and even industry-wide security measures and standards often fail to keep pace with rapid changes in technology. Countering cybercrime requires more secure systems, user education, harmonized cybercrime laws and policies, new enforcement methods, and international agreements that address the transnational nature of cybercrime.

The Center for Cybercrime Studies, directed by Dr. Marie-Helen Maras, seeks to inform these countermeasures through cybercrime research and innovation, conducting cutting-edge research, collaborating with relevant stakeholders, sharing cybercrime and cybersecurity-related information with these stakeholders, and informing them of ways to protect users, data, information systems, and critical infrastructures.